Nail Fungus Laser Treatment, Mosonmagyaróvár (Dermatology) 1 clinics' services (4 Dermatologist, 4 Allergist)
Description, questions
The treatment is carried out special falling in the wavelength range around the infrared laser devices. The laser light is converted into heat in the körömlemezben, which kills the fungus. Some clinical studies have shown that triggers the laser photochemistry and photobiology körömlemezben the reaction that triggers an immune response against the fungus.
Dermatologist Internist Gastroenterologist Proctologist Plastic surgeon Dietetic Allergist Vascular surgeon Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Surgeon Heart surgeon Pulmonologist Diabetologist
9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 1.